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Tuesday Tidbits #90 Summer Time

Hello Friends!

A stroll in the yard and this rose took my breath away blooming in our cottage gardens. I think it’s the frilly edges that I like so much.

I am not going to dismiss the craziness of what’s going on all around us. I am so sick of politics, the virus and 2020. I am pretty much an upbeat person but will say my upbeat personality sometimes goes to the wayside when I hear about our World situation. It helps to walk through our gardens where I count my blessings and am grateful for everything. I try to not let the craziness get the best of me.

Recently I got together with a friend and we went Kayaking. It was refreshing and it was exactly what I needed! We didn’t stop chatting the whole entire time. Morning coffee, these lake views and our friendship was what we needed!

Then Sweet Man took me out for a nice evening. We had a few beers and an appetizer at a new local spot on the water. It was quite nice.

A fun little place on the lake.

Then a beautiful sunset as well…

God’s beauty!

An evening of perfection!

On another happy note… The flower gardens are doing quite nicely!

The veggie gardens are coming along. We have cherry tomatoes ripening slowly. But the bigger tomatoes still need time. However… other people’s gardens are full of summer squash, zucchini and green beans!

I made a delicious new recipe with summer squash from a road side market.

Summer Squash Fritters

They were delicious! I got the recipe from Southern Bite They were easy to make and we had them with meatloaf and homegrown green beans.

I found out the sad news that the Big Ten Conference will not be playing college football this season due to Covid. So another sad news day for me. I love my college football like many others.

But even though it was a sad news day… I think you should see the new kitchen floor at the LakeHouse! Sweet Man did a great job!

We love it and we are quite happy with the outcome… a cozy country kitchen!

I am so happy you stopped by for a visit…

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