Tuesday Tidbits #274 We Made It!

Flowers, Weeds, and Boats Oh My!

We are back at our Summer Home. Ever since our return, I’ve been weeding the gardens and have successfully managed to get them under control. I’ve been busy shopping for flower pots and only need one or two more. I’ve already planted zinnias and lettuce, and I’m even going to try growing sunflowers. I’ve taken precautions to protect the zinnias and lettuce from Momma rabbit with chicken wire and cages. Here’s hoping it keeps her hungry nibbles away!

Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers! These are our Zinnias from last year.

The spring flowers in May are always a delight to see in our gardens. The Columbine pop up wherever they please. They always make me smile!

Stars of Bethlehem planted by my Mom 50+ years ago are such a joy.

Oh, and let’s not forget the Forget Me Nots!


The Rhodies are showing off!


Making Bouquets from our garden flowers is always on my to-do list.

The Boat is In!

We are happy to say that we started Boat Season earlier than we ever have!

It’s always a happy day to get the boat in!

Getting the boat in makes it possible for us to see sunsets like this!

Thank You!

That’s all I have for you this week. Its been busy ever since we got back. I am eagerly anticipating for the Summer Slow Down to kick in soon!

I know that I am behind, but I’m doing my best to catch up with all of you. Thanks for being patient with me.

As I always try to convey… we sure do appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.

We are wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what this upcoming week brings to you. And whatever you have planned… make every day count and be thankful for your Blessings.