Tuesday Tidbits #275 As May Comes to an End

Welcome Friends to a Late Edition of Tuesday Tidbits

Tuesday Greetings from the Lake House. The birds are singing as they dry out from yesterday’s downpours. The morning sunshine beautifully lights up our living room, and I thoroughly enjoy it.

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.

We will never forget those who gave their lives for our freedom. *The Cliffs of Normandy, *Omaha Beach Memorial, *Point du Hoc Monument,*Flags at the Ashtabula Branch of Kent State, *Anthem AZ Veterans Memorial.

We did get the boat out this past Friday and enjoyed an Erie Seawolves Baseball game on Saturday. Sunday was quiet, and on Monday, the rain came.

I continually enjoy the sun glitter that shimmers on the lake.

Erie Seawolves

The Seawolves game at UPMC Park was fantastic! They are a Minor League Baseball Team as the Double-A affiliate of the Detroit Tigers. 

Entrance into the Park.
Fabulous seats right behind Home plate!
I had to get my picture with C. Wolf the mascot of the Seawolves.


Sunday I found the time to enjoy a walk around lakeside.

My friend’s house is almost completed. The new addition to the right adds more room for their growing family.

How beautiful! Only the grass needs to grow. And with the rain we have had, that will be easy.
They have a beautiful view of the lake!

It warms my heart to see the beach, where I have many cherished memories from my childhood and teenage years, bustling with people again.

The docks are filling up nicely.

Lake Flowers

The poppies are blooming!
I enjoy seeing these beauties!
Yellow Iris
Yellow Peony
The yellow peony starts out with a rose like bud.
Siberian Iris
Flame Azalea

Full Moon

One morning, I woke up early to view the full moon peeking from behind a tree in our front window. The May full moon is called the Flower Moon.

Even though it hid behind the tree, the moon’s brightness woke me up.

Suitcases are Packed Away

I am finally unpacked! For some reason, it takes me forever to empty my suitcases. Truth be told, I want to get so many other things done first. Sweet Man took longer to unpack as well. He usually accomplishes that task the day after we arrive from a trip. I guess we both wanted to get the Lake House up and running!

Taking a moment to relax by the fire on the back patio, a well-deserved break from all the tasks involved in opening up the Lake House.


An unwelcome guest!

This guy has decided to live under our sunroom! The other day I went out on the back porch to find him scurrying off after he devoured my basil and half my petunias!

I have replanted the basil and relocated it to another location and its high off the ground. On a happier note, Sweet Man engraved the stone for me.
Hopefully, the petunias will grow back on this side. I have elevated this plant now.

We have a live trap set up, and we hope to evacuate him to a country field far, far away, where he will love to reside!

I have a name for him, but it’s not suitable to write it here. 😳

Thank You

As you can see, busy is our middle name! The week flew by! I hope we can slow down a bit and harvest our rhubarb this week. Perhaps a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie will be made. Or a new recipe that my friend Dorothy of The New Vintage Kitchen shared on her blog of delicious Rhubarb Cherry and Red Wine Sauce. Please click over and see how mouthwatering this sauce looks. What are your plans for this week?

As I always try to convey… we sure do appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.

Sunset over the Lake.

We are wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what this upcoming week brings to you. And whatever you have planned… make every day count and be thankful for your Blessings.

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