Busy, Busy, Busy!

But not too busy to slow down for an afternoon of fun!

Yesterday I got to meet my blogging friend…

Teri Dashfield of Images by T.Dashfield.

Teri and I after an afternoon  filled with fun and laughter. I am on the left and Teri is on the right.

I have been enthralled by Teri’s photos for a long while.

She is a professional photographer that shares amazing photos almost every day on her blog.

Through many conversations… we found out we were both Ohio girls.

So it didn’t take long for Teri and I to become virtual friends.

We have chatted up and down and all around. She has been wanting to come back out to Arizona for a good while.

Then one day she messaged me and said, “I’m coming to Arizona!”

…we both knew we had to meet.

So yesterday was the day!

We met, had lunch, and laughed and chatted and laughed and chatted.

Believe me… what you see and what you read on her blog… portrays her exactly!

Her wit, her humor, and her smile make her Teri… and gosh… I am so proud to call her my new friend!

Although we were both very sad that our good friend Ingrid from

Live Laugh RV

was away in Texas. But then I am sure we would have had to call sweet, sweet man to come bail us all out of jail! HA HA HA

Blogging has really been a joy because of moments like yesterday!


Until Next Time  ~Nancy

47 thoughts on “Busy, Busy, Busy!

  1. It’s always fun to finally meet bloggers after years of looking at each others blogs and exchanging comments. You both look so lovely and happy. It’s wonderful that you were able to get together, and manage to stay out of jail.

    1. Oh, Tim… it was hard! But what a fun day. And you said it perfectly! It’s fun to meet bloggers after years of looking at their blogs! Thanks for stopping by. I am going to catch up with you too… but first I need a cup of afternoon tea.

    1. Get outof town! My sister is from Ashtabula. I am from the Cleveland area… but was raised in Edinboro, Pa. where I have a Lake House. So may I ask where you lived in North East Ohio??

      1. I know it well! I knew I liked you from the get go! Have a great day and I can’t wait for your next post and what outfit you will wear!

  2. How wonderful, Nancy! Love the beautiful smile of these two ladies. Thank you for sharing the happy story with us. 🙂

    1. Thank You Amy for stopping by with such lovely words! I am enjoying an evening of catching up with all my blogging friends… I am stopping by soon. 🙂

  3. How wonderful that you and Teri got to spend the afternoon together! That is one of the great rewards blogging, isn’t it? I was not thinking of the friends I would make when I started. I am amazed, though, at how special that aspect of blogging has become. It’s a gift. Thank you for being my friend, Nancy!

    1. I so heartedly agree. Blogging has brought me such joy. And the friends I have come to know… are the icing on the “Joy Cake!” HA HA HA
      And Thank You for being my friend as well!

  4. I love to read about bloggers who met on line and have a great time when they get meet in person! When I started my blog I had no idea the blogging world was such a great community. So far I have never met any my blogging friends in person but maybe one of these days…

    1. You never know.
      It has been so nice to have met Ingrid and Teri.
      Blogging has been such a joy and it is amazing how we all help each other out with tech questions and are their in friendship too.

    1. One day, someday it would be fun to gather at a WordPress Gathering. I know Blogger has their gatherings.
      I would love to meet you for coffee. An enjoyable time would be had! 🙂

    1. I would love meeting you… Sweet Sue!
      A WordPress gathering needs to take place… We would shake, rattle and roll the place down!

    1. Yes… This will be us as well I really hope.
      I have been enjoying your creative thoughts on your blog as of late. You are sharing enlightening topics that are fabulous.

  5. What a lovely post, Nancy. I know Ingrid has talked so fondly of you when she and I managed to meet in 2015 in phoenix. Hope we might rendezvous one of these days 🙂

  6. Good thing you two managed to stay out of trouble without me 😆 Too much fun! You gals look great and I can’t wait until I’m able to join next time. At least I’ll be back in Phoenix soon to harass you!

  7. How wonderful to meet up with your virtual friend. I love the opportunities technology has given us to connect with people we would otherwise never meet. It looks like you had a very funl time together. I look forward to checking out Terri’s photography! :))

    1. I am so glad you saw this post. And yes, I do agree with you. The Internet has given us opportunities that we never imagined! Who knows… Our paths may cross one day as well.

Thank You So Much... for sharing your kind words. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your thoughts.