Tuesday Tidbits #220 April Has Come!

It’s been a slow week here at Two Trails One Road. But yet, I hear myself saying where did the week go? I can say… I was busy staining outdoor furniture and I made great wings in our smoker. We have a Traeger Smoker and have found it to be easy to work with. A few weeks ago we smoked a pork shoulder which made the best Pulled Pork Sandwiches we have ever had!

These were crispy, smoky and tender. Delicious is an understatement!

Book Club

I also hosted Book Club. A great discussion was had around the book, The Fortunate Ones.

I served Cream Puffs for dessert. The gals loved them. I did a blog post about my Cream Puffs. You can read about them and get the recipe here. For some reason I make them every Spring. These would be perfect for your Easter Dinner Dessert.

They are as delectable as they look!
So easy to make!

Cactus Flowers

Our backyard Cacti have begun to show off. They always make us smile when they bloom.


Thank You

That’s a wrap for this week. Short but definitely sweet!

Happy April!

As I always try to convey… we sure do appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what this upcoming week brings to you. And whatever you have planned… make every day count and be thankful for your Blessings. Stay safe out there my friends!

34 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbits #220 April Has Come!

  1. I would join your book club just to get a taste of those cream puffs. Smoked meats are something I also appreciate and enjoy. Good eating at your house. 🙂 Happy Easter, and I know your home is all decorated up and looking beautiful.

  2. Thank you for some more of your beautiful cactus flower photos! The cream puffs look delicious. Staining outdoor furniture sounds like more fun than digging up smilax (a horrible invasive weed) in my garden beds! Happy April!

    1. Oh, those darn weeds! I do agree… staining is much better!
      I am glad you enjoy the cactus flowers. There are more beginning to bloom. I will be sure to share their beauty! Happy Easter!

    1. THere is just something about a cream puff! My Mom never made them which I find so unusual for her. I look forward to hearing how you make yours!

  3. Happy April Nancy! My son the grill master, wants to get a Traeger grill, I’ve heard so many great things about them. Your cream puffs look amazing! Thanks for the book recommendations, I will check them out~ and your cactus blooms, *sigh* you know I love those! Have a wonderful Easter week 🌷🐇🥕

    1. If you like smoked meats… a Traeger Grill is worth it. The rotating and slow feeding wood pellets into the fire, all by itself, makes it easy! I love, love, love the grill! I am not being endorsed for my post or comment to you.
      There are more cactus flowers getting ready to bloom. I’ll be sharing soon. Happy Easter!

  4. Great looking food and flowers. What more could you ask for? Okay love and money are high on the list.

      1. Dave Barry wrote a piece about ordering Buffalo Wings in bars where he figured that after people finished sucking the buffalo sauce off of a basket of wings, the cook ran the wings through the dishwasher, re-buffaloed them and served them again, recycling the wings. You probably didn’t want to imagine that, but I thought it as pretty clever.

      2. First off… gross.
        And that would never happen to me… because I love the sauce (but dry rub better) and every morsel of wing…except for the bones and gristle.

  5. Nancy, I need a cream puff. Those look so delicious!! I will check out the book from your book club. It sounds like you have been busy. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Yes… busy indeed but busy is good!
      The Cream Puffs are delicious. Perfect for a tea party… at your Sunshine Cottage!
      Happy Easter!

  6. The food all looks delicious, Nancy. I read the Branch book some years ago and enjoyed it. Your cacti are obviously ahead of our in the flower department but that’s okay. I’m looking forward to their flowers and perhaps it will be time soon for a visit to Saguaro National Park to see the non-saguaros flowering 🙂 See you tomorrow.

  7. Spring has sprung! Everything looks beautiful and/or delicious, Nancy. Every year I see your most yummy Cream Puffs, you inspire me to make some!!❤️

    1. So easy and delightful! It was you who inspired me years ago to make some. Try them with Nutella!
      Happy Easter Mitzy!

  8. Great post, as always! I’ve been longing to make cream puffs with chicken salad again… it’s been decades, but it was a popular “ladies’ lunch” when I was a kid just learning to cook. You’ve given me a bit of courage. Also, the cactus flowers are gorgeous. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Oh I hope you make these cream puffs… and yes, with chicken salad what a delight!
      Thank you for the visit!
      Happy Easter Angela!

  9. Isle of Dreams — yes, I read it (not long after our visit to the Vineyard — wish I’d read it before! Enchanting. One of those “keeper” books. Those cream puffs look just fabulous. And I’m with you — I have no idea where the time has gone but here we are, into a new month. Have a lovely week!

    1. Oh Jeannie Isle of Dreams is my first in her trilogy. I have many of her seasonal books etc. but this one is amazing. I’m going to order A Fine Romance and The Fairy Tale Girl. Looking forward to those.
      Happy Easter my friend!

  10. As the one that does the cleanup, I have to ask if the Traeger grill/smoker is easy to clean. I saw you lined the bottom with aluminum foil. I haven’t had a cream puff in a very long time; yours looks delicious. Wishing you and your husband a blessed and happy Easter!

    1. Easy clean up as the aluminum foil catches the grease etc. The grill grates are like any other… they need cleaned and brushed as if it were a grill. There is a bucket that collects grease… that has to be emptied.
      The cream puffs are delicious! I hope you try them!

  11. Everything is beautiful and delish…even tho your week was slow you made, hosted and observed a lot. I love the blooming cactus and I adore cream puffs. Thanks for the memories, now I need to make the cream puffs. Hugs my friend.

Thank You So Much... for sharing your kind words. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your thoughts.