Tuesday Tidbits #70 The Helpers

Have you noticed “The Helpers” coming out of the woodwork?

They are in every size, shape and form. Neighbors checking on each other to see if anything is needed when they make a run to the grocery store. Loved ones making reassuring calls. Others teaching others how to do this new “tech stuff” like group face time and live streaming church services. Grocery store workers using hand sanitizer while they stock the shelves. (Thank you grocery store workers… we need you!) And last but not least, a great big thank you to all of our Healthcare Workers… we can’t even imagine what you are going through!

I have slowed way down on social media and with writing blog posts. I am posting one blog post a week for now …as I am trying hard to stay connected to nature and family. I do read your blog posts and comment but please forgive me if I am a few days late.

We are very fortunate here in Arizona to have wonderful weather to enjoy while we stay home. The cactus and succulents are starting to bloom in the backyard!

The Desert is blooming too…

Our desert holly.
Great Horned Owl peeking between the Sweet Acacia Blooms.

Our local mountains are filled with the yellow blooming Brittlebush.

This past weekend I needed to get away from all “The News” …so a date day with sweet man to one of my favorite spots was in order! Wow! How it refreshed my soul!

Every time I come here… I feel like I’m on another planet. Perfect… considering what’s going on within our very own planet.

I also began my Easter decorating. Fluffing my nest is another soul pleaser!

I may not be having tea with friends any time soon… but I do have virtual friends. Care for any tea?

Sending all of you well wishes! Embrace The Helpers my friends! Stay Safe and Stay Healthy! We will overcome this virus! Prayers for all!

46 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbits #70 The Helpers

  1. Nancy, I agree. Getting out in nature is the best way for me to get away from all the news and social media. Seeing your beautiful desert photos made me smile this morning as I drink my tea ☕️. My thanks go out to all the helpers. And now it’s time to get outside and go for a walk.

  2. Good morning my friend. Yes, we are so thankful for the “helpers” who go beyond to reach out to others and those who are still working in critical jobs for our survival. Thank you for the wonderful images of nature, a soothing balm to my soul. Stay safe dear one! I always look forward to your posts!

    1. We are doing well and hunkered down. We are blessed to be in a beautiful area where we can step outside with no one around. I can’t even imagine how hard it is for others living in cities.

      We both look forward to reading each other’s posts… our virtual friendship is quite dear. And one day, some day a meeting will happen. But until then… let’s enjoy our pretty posts and stay safe! ☺️🤗

  3. We were in Arizona at the end of February. Nothing was blooming yet, looks like we missed it! Lovely photographs…enjoy your slowing down time. I am doing the same.

    1. March and April are the best months for the desert bloom here in the Valley.

      And you take care in this time of craziness! And give your pup a hug from me! 😊

  4. Nancy, thanks so much for sharing these beautiful photographs with us. You live in such a gorgeous area. I know that the beauty that surrounds you is such a comfort. The spring vignette you created is so pretty. Take care, and stay well, sweet friend!

  5. Yes, we are lucky to have such a beautiful backyard to explore. I’ll be going on a stroll today to get some fresh air and sunshine and be sure to social distance. So far in my shopping excursions, I’ve seen nothing but good… folks are helpful and smile. Stay healthy and hopefully we’ll be able to share a cup of tea in person before we both head off to cooler clims for the summer. Until then, I’ll settle for the virtual visit 😊

    1. Oh Ingrid… and my ankle is better… we could have been social distancing somewhere in the Sonoran Desert!

      Stay safe my friend!

      1. I took a nice long stroll this morning on a 6′ wide sidewalk at the Sonoran Preserve off Dove Valley Rd … exactly what I needed. If you care to join me, I’d love that, but you’ll need to stay on your side of the sidewalk 😆

      2. Just posted a pic on IG. Passed a few folks every now and then but we each stayed on our side of the sidewalk. Thursday? I’ll text ya!

  6. There are so many unsung heroes in this pandemic, from the teachers going the extra mile with distance learning to those delivering meals. And of course those indispensable health care workers who are literally putting their lives on the line. What a beautiful season to get out and reconnect with nature. I had to Pin your tea cups to my Tea Enchantment in Pinterest. They are exquisite!

    1. I am thrilled that you did. Aren’t they pretty! I will look for your Pinterest Boards!

      Stay safe and stay healthy… we will get through this!

  7. I’d love a cup of tea 💜especially from one of those lovely china teacups. I purple frosted cupcake wouldn’t go astray either, and I’m sure – one day soon – we’ll all be able to look back on this time when a microscopic organism caused all of us to stay inside our homes.

    Stay safe and healthy my friend, and keep washing your hands. 🤗

      1. Thanx Nancy. I feel we’ll be in lockdown soon and ‘life’ as we know it will be completely different, at least for the foreseeable future. But it will be so much better than the alternative.

  8. Beauty is truly all around, isn’t it? It was therapeutic taking photos for my grandbaby girlie. I’m with you, Nancy. Fresh air, fresh thoughts! Take care. And yes! Your tea time looks most inviting and delicious! 🙂

  9. We have taken in our grandkids (5 & 9) to stay in isolation and keep them safe. Their mom is a nurse at the hospital. It is nice to take them outside and let them play while we work in the yard too. Nothing can replace nature especially at a time like this.🌺🌷🌸💐💕🌹🌼

  10. Great photos, and in times of adversity, simplicity and nature are things we can treasure. I live in a different country and a different climate, but are united as a world in these very unusual times. Greetings from Yorkshire, England.

    1. And thank you for stopping by. I have visited England and I believe we were very close to Yorkshire.
      We are all united at this very difficult time. But we will overcome!
      Thank you for stopping by!
      Stay well!

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