Tuesday Tidbits #151 Thankful for November

November is always a reminder to us to remember to be thankful!

Hello Friends!

I’m glad you are here. I’m THANKFUL for our friendship. I sure hope your Halloween was full of Tricks and Treats! We had a lovely evening spent outside enjoying all the different costumes. The children were so excited to receive candy!

I Made Scones!

Not just any kind of Scones but Pumpkin scones. I got a mix where you just add water. The scones were delicious!

I highly recommend this Scone Mix! So easy… just add water!
I made a powder sugar glaze but I added Maple Syrup.
And of course I served them with a spot of tea. The fig jam was an added delight!

An Adventure!

After a morning of Pumpkin Scones we were off with friends for an adventure into the desert. We enjoy finding new places but I always insist we go with others. Safety in numbers is our motto.


As many of you know… we are Rock Hounds so we went to an old Copper Mine outside of Buckeye, AZ. We were looking for marbleized calcite. It was easy to find as it was laying all over the surface.

Marbleized Calcite
Our friends in front of the mine shaft. The BLM added the iron gate so people or wildlife don’t fall into the mine.
We found a few slabs like this one that were leftover from buildings. This happened to be the Shower House for the Miners. It was called A Room With A View!
Taking in the view.
The other side of the view! That’s Saddleback Mountain.
The lone saguaro chatting with the moon…

When we got home later that evening we checked to see if the calcite fluoresced. We were not disappointed.

Calcite Fluoresces!

Thank you for the Visit!

It was a great week. Enjoy your first week of November! I’m thankful for all of you. It’s always good to hear from you.

I’m off to trim my roses.

36 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbits #151 Thankful for November

  1. Happy Tuesday Nancy, your scones look so good, love that pan! Adding maple syrup to the glaze is brilliant, what wonderful Fall flavors! Your desert excursions always sound like so much fun, such beautiful countryside to explore!

  2. Nancy, the scones look so delicious. I have used that mix before, but haven’t seen it this year. Your adventures are always interesting, the calcite is a beauty. Happy Tuesday, my friend!

  3. Good morning, Nancy! The scones you made look delicious! I love scones, and the tea setting you created is so pretty. It looks like you had a fun time with your friends! You live in such a beautiful place. Happy November, sweet friend!

    1. Thank you Shannon. The scones are quite delicious for being an easy and quick mix.
      We do love the desert.
      Enjoy your Tuesday my dear friend.

  4. I”ve used that company’s scone mix before and you’re right — it is good. The rock hunting looks like fun and probably so nice to be back with your old AZ friends. Happy week!

    1. It was awesome to get back out into the desert.
      And yes this Scone mix is quite good for being fast, quick and easy!
      Thank you always for your lovely visits!
      Happy Tuesday!

  5. Nancy, thanks for taking us along on another one of your fun desert adventures. That calcite is amazing! Have a great week! (sorry if this is double posted. I’m not sure if my first comment went through)

  6. There is safety in numbers whether you are four wheeling in the desert or motorcycling on the back roads. It sounds like you had a lovely day!

  7. Your pan for making scones is just wonderful. The scones looks very yummy. Fig jam is one of my favourite toppings. I hope things are good with you. Have a wonderful week.

      1. I can see that! I might look for one myself. We have snow now and the weather is perfect for some scones and tea. Have a fabulous day!

  8. Such a fantastic adventure to Buckeye in search of Calcite. So cool that it does indeed illuminate. Got me thinking about a search too. Great pictures.

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