Tuesday Tidbits #225 Memories and Recollections


As you all know, I took a week off from blogging to be with our family. I chose to stay in the present and make memories.

Family time is the best, and our family gathering brought me great joy. It went by quickly, but I savored every minute. I’m so glad I take many pictures because I relive and feel it again with each photo.

“Every moment of life is unique…a kiss, a sunset, a dance, a joke. None will ever recur in quite the same way. Each happens only once in the history of the universe.”

— Stephen Nachmanovitch

Moments spent with family are so precious, aren’t they? The kids don’t know it, but their time spent with us was a gift. My Momma heart is full!

We sat for hours sitting outside and chatting.

Our Oasis!
Our Backyard View!

We enjoyed breakfast and many meals on the patio.

Delicious! Al Fresco dining on the patio.
The kids made these yummy Bloody Mary’s!

We showed them the sights and sounds of beautiful Arizona. And to our amazement happened upon new restaurants that we thoroughly enjoyed as well. Awe… life is good.

Lake Watson in Prescott, Arizona. If you zoom in, you can see snow-covered Humphrey’s Peak.
The Granite Dells of Prescott, AZ.
A local Rodeo.
Roadrunner Rodeo!
The Patio of The Lazy G Brewery of Prescott, AZ.
Lazy G Brewery Patio.

Even though our time together ended, we will always have endearing memories.

“Family memories are treasured heirlooms.”


Then This Happened!

“Blog Buddies!”

Speaking of memories, I made even more memories with friends from this amazing blogging community. This was our third gathering, and we talked and giggled like we had known each other forever. We giggled over dogs, cats, crest white strips, and so much more. I am now calling this group the “Blog Buddies!”

We are such a fun group! Left to Right, Janet from This, that and the other thing, Donna from Wind Kisses, Marsha from Always Write, Jodie from Jodie’s Touch of Style and her husband Rod, and myself, Nancy from Two Trails One Road.

Cinco De Mayo

More Al Fresco Dining!

After I came home from lunch with the “Blog Buddies,” later that afternoon, I made Sweet Man and I a snack for Cinco De Mayo before we headed out to a friend’s to enjoy more Cinco de Mayo fun. My lovely friend had just given me this gorgeous and multicolored scarf, so I grabbed our cute margarita glasses, along with our Fiestaware, then added chips and salsa. So festive, right? And guess what? Sweet man and I made more memories while also enjoying our backyard.

Isn’t that scarf gorgeous? Thank you Mary! And the dish was a gift from my sister as well as the napkins. Thank you Sis!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Oh, and That’s Not All!

You probably can’t believe our weekend could improve even more, but it did. With fancy hats on our heads, we headed to a Kentucky Derby Party!

Kentucky Derby Fun!

I made delicious Mint Juleps for the crowd while we enjoyed Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Kentucky Bourbon Sauce and many other culinary delights. Once again, we made fabulous memories!

Fun gals! Fun hats!
Fun guys!

Make Those Memories

When we look back on our lives, we think about special times -those unforgettable moments. Everything we own can never replace the memories we make with friends, family, and travel. Be present and experience all the moments right there in front of you. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life and make special memories.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you lovely Moms! Enjoy the pampering and enjoy the special moments!

My Mom’s heart pendant, which she gave me on Mother’s Day many years ago. She wanted me to place photos of my boys in it. I celebrate my Mom and being a Mom when I wear it!

Thank You

As I always try to convey… we sure do appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.

Life is Good!

Wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what this upcoming week brings to you. And whatever you have planned… make every day count and be thankful for your Blessings. Make Special Memories!