Tuesday Tidbits #215 Desert Ride~Let’s Go!

We started out for a desert ride which was planned and the route was created. However… the main road to the trail was CLOSED! 😳 CLOSED due to a triathlon. Ugh!

So a plan B was needed. Well… sweet man to the rescue! He happened to have another route mapped out which could get us to where we needed to be but our ride would be longer. We all agreed… let’s go!

Off we went!

Right at the beginning of our ride we saw our favorites… Burros!

They are always fun to see!
We were all amazed of how tall this saguaro was along with the amount of arms.

We always stop for old ruins of any kind.

We were all asking each other who lived here and why.
Always interesting!

While everyone was checking out the foundation… I found some flowers!

Pretty little things!

It was time to explore. So we set out onto the trail.

Let’s Go!
Do you see the baby calf?
Mountains and saguaros never get old!
We love seeing saguaros!
However, I also love seeing desert wildflowers!
Lupines and Desert Marigolds.

I also love seeing clouds!

Thank you!

We love our desert! Thank you so much for coming along on our Desert Ride with us! It was a great ride!

Enjoy your last day of February!

As I always try to convey… we sure do appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what this upcoming week brings to you. And whatever you have planned… make every day count and be thankful for your Blessings.