Tuesday Tidbits #252 A She Shed Christmas

Hello Friends! Thanks for stopping by!

Christmas in the She Shed!

Have you been a busy elf getting ready for Christmas?

My homemade clay ornament.

I was determined to make ornaments for my She Shed. I saw a gal on Instagram make Clay Ornaments so she was my inspiration! Her name is Trisha @frenchflairfarmhouse_

An evening in the She Shed!

They were easy to make. The only requirement is Patience! Time is needed for the clay to dry and harden. (2-3 days.) Then again patience is needed for the paints to dry. After all that… its time to decorate!


I used Crayola Air Dry Clay from Michaels. I purchased the terracotta color as I have plans for the remainder of the clay for another project. The terracotta color will be perfect for it.

The clay was soft and easy to work with.

Roll out the clay like you would for making cookie cutouts. I learned that making the clay thick is better than thin. I placed freezer paper under the clay and over the clay while rolling it out. I did not want the clay to stain my counter or rolling pin.

Ready for the cookie cutters.
I used a straw to make the hole for each cut out. Let dry for 2-3 days.
I used acrylic paints and coated both sides. Let them dry overnight. My red acrylic paint was glossy and my brown acrylic paint was not. I like the glossy better.
I used white Puffy paint to decorate each cutout. The puffy paint adds dimension. On the holly berries I used red acrylic paint but puffy red paint would have been better.
These were the paints I used. Brown is not shown. My Brown was not glossy and I advise on using glossy.

Time to Decorate!

I then decorated the window area of the She Shed. I added them to my chandelier as well. This little place of mine brings me Joy! And that’s what Christmas is supposed to do… bring us Joy. Don’t forget to enjoy the little things during the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season.

I used faux Fern from the store “At Home” as I plan on letting the greenery stay up. I will transition with the seasons.
They add a fun, festive touch to my chandelier.
I love how it all came together!

Here She is all decorated for Christmas!


Christmas in the Southwest!
I enjoy my collections of many!

And here she is in the early morning light.

She is peeking out between the orange leaves.

We enjoy seeing her at night as well!

All aglow!

Thank You!

As I always try to convey… we certainly appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.


We wish all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what this Holiday Season brings to you. And whatever you have planned… make every day count and be thankful for your Blessings.

Sharing for Terri’s Red and Green Challenge

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