Tuesday Tidbits #251 Merry December

It’s Tuesday already, and December has come!

Is it me, or does time fly by for everyone? Last I remember, it was summertime at the lake! But here we are at one of the busiest months of the year.

How do you enjoy the last month of the year? What do you do to keep yourself calm from all the hustle and bustle that December brings?

Holiday Lights

I can say that my decorating is done solely because I decided to go simpler than other years. Is it because I’m getting older, or is it because I am relishing the simpler things in life as of late? It may also be that we had a very busy October/November. I think my mind and body are reminding me how much I enjoy the quiet. The best way to enjoy the quiet for me is when evening comes and the Holiday Lights glimmer. The twinkling of lights soothes me.

Our mantel this year.
Our Kitchen Christmas tree.
All the cozy feels!


We enjoy the lovely days December brings to us here in Arizona. Sitting outdoors in our little Oasis refreshes us so we can start the day out ideally. I love it when we don’t have an agenda! Getting out into our gardens nourishes my soul. An off-road trip in the desert allows me to take in all new scenery. A meandering walk around the block provides not only energy but gives me a time out. I call it Me time!

Nature helps me to slow down and gives me the restoration that I need.

Our Oasis!
Our happy spot!
Our fall roses put on a show!
Can you find sweet man?
A ruin we found on a recent off road trip.
This past weekend we climbed through this canyon.
Only in our Southwest neighborhoods!


If I can bake some nostalgic Christmas treats that bring back wonderful memories of years gone by… I am a happy girl! I enjoy being in the kitchen as it calms me!

Past Christmas Baking!


I have to be in my office when I write in my journal. In my office, I am surrounded by the things I love, such as books, candles, twinkling lights, colored pencils, markers, and special boxes and drawers to hold specialties. It’s a perfect place for tranquility! Journaling helps me to organize my mind, and it’s also a place for me to create. My December pages are colorful and Merry!

My journal title page for December.

Festivities and Traditions

I always look forward to driving around our town so we can view the Christmas lights. Hopefully, this year, we can gather a few friends and enjoy the Christmas Lights, then have them over for appetizers, cocktails and fun fellowship. Sweet memories are made!

Anthem, AZ
So pretty!

Attending Christmas Eve services is such a pleasurable experience. Listening to carols, old and new, and hearing the Christmas message does my heart good.

Making Christmas crafts helps me unwind. This year I am making clay ornaments and will be sharing those with you soon.

Walking through a Christmas Market or a small town decorated for Christmas gives me many cozy feelings.


What do you do to savor the month of December? How do you slow down?

I wish for you a calm and still December that’s blessed with warmth, peace and happiness!

Thank You!

As I always try to convey… we certainly appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.

We wish all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what this upcoming week brings to you. And whatever you have planned… make every day count and be thankful for your Blessings.