Tuesday Tidbits #85 Country Living

Country Living

Welcome In… to some good ole fashion Country Living!

It’s been a fabulous summer here at the Lake. Temps have been nice… up until this week. It’s gettin’ hot, real hot temps and humidity are coming this week. So there will be a lot of this going on…

The weather has been pretty darn good… the farmers have had no problem getting the hay cut.

. Hay!

Have you ever seen Amish Haystacks? Here are just a few.

And the corn is living up to that old saying… “Knee High by the 4th of July.” Actually it’s higher.

Our country rides take us past beautiful back road sights.

I always enjoy a red barn!
Isn’t this the cutest Roadside Market?

We met a new little friend at the Market…

A one month old goat named Mayberry.

And this hay bale was out of place. It’s a good thing I came along to push it back!

We love seeing old tractors. Did you see Sweet Man’s tractor in my last post?

Didn’t he do a good job refurbishing it!

Here are a few more we came across…


After all that country sight seeing it’s always good to get back to the lake.


And we are always happy to see our flower gardens which are doing quite well.

Ready to make a bouquet!

I’m off to use these fresh eggs. The lady at the Roadside Market had me wait until she checked all her chicken coops. I sure hope you have had a cage free fresh egg. There is nothing like it. The golden yolks are not only beautiful but they are tastier!

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. Thank you for stopping by. It’s always nice to hear from you. Happy Tuesday to you!