Remember and Honor

It’s Memorial Day Weekend! Fullof family fun, picnics and fabulous cook outs. Getting together with friends and family is very important for bonding and fellowship. But let us not for get the real reason for this weekend. It’s a time to remember all those men and women who gave their ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Sweet Man and I have been very fortunate to see some Memorials for our Fallen Heroes.

Emotions ran high when we stood near Omaha Beach Memorial in Normandy, France. On June 6, 1944 (D-Day) the ocean was a “Sea of Red.” So many casualties!

On D-Day the Army Rangers had to climb the Cliffs of Normandy.

The Memorial called Pointe du Hoc Ranger Memorial stands quite tall and very close to where they gave their lives…

When in Hawaii we got to tour The Arizona Memorial which is the resting place of 1,102 sailors and Marines from the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor.

San Diego, California proudly has the Mt. Soledad Memorial. You can see the cross from miles away. The memorial sits on top of a mountain top.

This Memorial is the only one that honors the living and deceased soldiers from the Revolutionary War to current wars on Terror.

It’s a spectacular sight! Rows that circle around the cross …show pictures and names of soldiers from all the armed forces.

A volunteer is there everyday to clean the Memorial Rows…

Enjoy your festivities this weekend but please Remember and Honor those that have Fallen for our Freedom.

I sure hope you can Wear a Poppy for a Fallen Hero.

Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy your week!

Until Next Time~ Nancy