Tuesday Tidbits #71 Connected?

Welcome In… you are just in time for another edition of…

A month ago I may have said… “Oh, I’ve been on my phone way too much today.” Or “let’s see if the iPad can sit idle for a while.” Or simply, “Let’s try to beat last weeks screen time!”

Yes, we are way too connected via texting, social media and countless emails.

HOWEVER… I’ve changed my tune since this world crisis.

Bee enjoying a Bottle Brush Bloom.

Now don’t get me wrong… I don’t think we should be on social media countless hours reading every news update on the pandemic. But… I do believe, now more then ever, we need to stay in touch with our friends and family. Social Media/technology maybe that avenue. Yes, a phone call or a face chat is so much better… but in these trying times, why not send a friend a message via Messenger. Why not shoot a text while your loved one is working at home at their kitchen table. Why not send an uplifting email to a friend. Simple and direct but thoughtful and loving. Now more then ever we need a friend or two that can give us a happy or considerate thought.

A backyard cactus bloom.

Reaching Out To Others is now more important then ever before.

A friend will love knowing you are okay. Your siblings may want that recipe that your Mom use to make and hear all is going well. A neighbor may need a silly text. The elderly (grandparents, mother in laws and father in laws) need to hear from you. Anything to brighten their day!

Lantana blooms from my walk.

I had a “virtual” Instagram friend send me a “voice message” on Instagram yesterday. Just a lovely hello and have a beautiful day. That virtual friend became real for an instant. Hearing her real voice made me smile… and you know what …she will remain “real” in my heart forever!

We love our Cactus Blooms!

Life is uncertain for many of us. The unknown scares us. Not being in control can put us in a whirlwind. But as soon as someone reaches out to us… for that simple moment… we feel nothing but JOY!

Our neighbors Lady Banks are blooming.

So please reach out to your people…

Your simple thoughts will mean more then you will ever know.

Receiving a grand daughters coloring book picture in the mail the other day… brought us BIG SMILES! Oh yea, it wasn’t sent via technology. It came in snail mail… and was a hard copy. LOL! But for an instant we thought about her and nothing else!

Rays from Heaven… God sending me his Good Thoughts via Sunlight!

Hope You Stay Connected… We NEED Your Good Thoughts!

A New Kind of Art happening Around Our Neighborhoods!

Thank you for the privilege of your time. Stay well my friends. 🙏🏻