It’s Hot!

And when it’s Hot we Escape the Heat.

Hello and Welcome In!

I have showed you this winery before. But it’s worth showing it to you again.

One of their vineyards.

Page Springs Cellars in Cornville, AZ is quite lovely! So when it’s hot in the Valley… a ride north can cool you down in more ways then one.

We enjoyed their Vidal Blanc outside under the shade of a Sycamore Tree and above the banks of Oak Creek.

Oak Creek

Vineyards in this area have similar characteristics as that of the French Rhine of France so some of Page Cellars wines have a French influence.

Vineyards dot the high desert landscape.

During Covid 19 we are not quite ready to dine indoors and why? …if we have these stunning views to look at. And what’s also nice… is that you can bring your own picnic to go with your purchased wine.

I love the green!
Are they full or empty?

Another added feature was their outdoor order window.

Ordering outside still gives you peace of mind during this pandemic.

It was quiet… picnic tables were set apart for social distancing and it was a nice way to enjoy some time away from home.

Speaking of home… our backyard cacti are still blooming!

What a beautiful bloom!
The slight purple on there is quite stunning!
This cactus had 43 blooms on it at one time!

I wish for all of you to have a Happy Memorial Weekend! Let us not forget why we celebrate this weekend. Please remember those who gave it their all for our freedom!

Thanks so much for the visit. Happy Memorial Day!