Do You Have The “Time?”

I sure hope you have the “time” to read all about our fabulous Saguaros.

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Arizonians are proud of their beloved saguaros!

(pronounced “sah-wah-roh”)

Do you know how much “time” it takes a saguaro to grow tall, let alone grow an arm?

According to the National Park Service it can take a saguaro 10 years to grow one inch.

Saguaros can reach 40 feet in height!

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So… a very tall saguaro can be hundreds of years old! (That’s a lot of “TIME” to grow that tall and old!)

They grow their first arm at about the age of 95-100 years old. They stop growing at around 200 years old with many arms or none at all. A saguaro without any arms is called a spear. Why no arms?? No one really knows the answer!

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Around 60 years of age a saguaro can produce it’s first flower.

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Saguaros only grow in the Sonoran desert. IMG_8242 - Copy

We here in the Valley of the Sun love our saguaros!

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It is illegal to harm a Saguaro according to Arizona State Laws.


Some saguaros can become crested. This is due to Fasciation.

Or a rare condition of abnormal growth.

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A crested saguaro.

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 On most older saguaros their needles can grow about one inch in length.


Many can grow in silly ways…

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Doesn’t he look like he is trying to climb up the rock. I found him out by Sheep Bridge by the Verde River.

I think he looks like he is about to fly like a butterfly!
We love our Saguaros but don’t get to close!

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I am glad you took the “time” to read about our Saguaros.

They take a lot of “time” to grow.

Click here to see more of the weekly photo challenge  on “TIME.”

Until Next Time  ~Nancy