Tuesday Tidbits #63 Painted Valentine Glasses

Hello Friends! Welcome in! It’s the first Tuesday in February so I am going to share some

I painted a few glasses with tiny hearts! It was easy because all I did was use a few different color paints and made sweet little hearts on them.

Since it was chilly out… it was the perfect day to sit in my cozy spot and look at some favorite cook books and magazines.

I could look at magazines about food and home decor all day!

Enjoying some “me” time, with a cupcake, magazines and a cool beverage in my new Valentine glass… makes this girl happy.

The hutch above has our vintage collection of frosted Blakey Arizona Cactus glasses. When I first came to Arizona… I fell in love with them in an antique store. And I have collected them ever since. I also have the pitcher that goes along with them which completes the set. It’s a collection I love …along with other Southwest finds. In this room we share our collections. If you look closely you can see our assortment of vintage ink bottles and pens.

I enjoy being able to just stop… and enjoy the quiet.

My cool beverage is empty and my magazines are calling my name!

Thanks for stopping by…