Fifties Diner

There’s just something about Summertime and having a root beer float!

But when you go to an outdoor diner to have that root beer float. It’s just more special! It’s a throwback in time.

The White Turkey Drive-In is located in Conneaut, Ohio. It’s about a half hour away from us here at the LakeHouse.

They are known for their rich Richardson Root Beer.

The couple who opened this nostalgic place back in 1952 named it after their Turkey sandwiches. The Turkey came from their Farm where they raised White Holland Turkeys. Hence White Turkey Drive-In.

Sweet Man got the cone but I opted for the float! What a treat!

The day we went… there just happened to be a classics car show down the road a bit.

What fun and so appropriate for a nostalgic day! The whole day was set back in time …just a bit!

A perfect summer day as far as I’m concerned! Ice Cream, Root Beer floats, and old trucks! Oh yea!

Going back to 1952 was fun.

(Definitely a retro edit!)

I also enjoy classics edited this way!

Have you ever tried a Root Beer Float? Have you gone back in time and enjoyed a treat from the past at a nostalgic diner?

If not, perhaps it’s time! I highly recommend it! I relived memories from when my Mom made them for me when I was little. Of course… I made them for my kids when they were little.

This video has great sound… please make sure your volume is up!

It’s all about FOOD today at WANDERING WEDNESDAY that Ingrid at Live Laugh RV hosts.

Until Next Time ~Nancy