Tuesday Tidbits #74 Walking to Soothe the Soul

Welcome In…

You probably wonder why I start with that. “Welcome In…” First off… when our friends “use” to come over to our house… I would say Hello and Welcome them in and most times a hug would follow. So here when you stop over… it’s quite the same. Except it’s all virtual and there’s nothing wrong with that! Right now it’s the safest… cause we are definitely doing the Social Distance Dance here in BlogLand!


Have you begun any new routines because of this pandemic? I have always enjoyed walking but enjoy it even more right here in our neighborhood. We are very lucky because our town has hundreds upon hundreds of these beautiful neighborhood trails that are not crowded. Walking has now become a habit. Getting out into nature soothes the soul!

These saguaros will bloom most likely in May!

Along with cactus… mountains show up on my walks too.

Oh yes… I did mention cactus, didn’t I. Lots of them are blooming now.

The cactus blooms aren’t the only reason why I walk… look at the fabulous creatures I see along the way.

We love our Quail.
And goldfinch too!
Even though these Woodpeckers raid the Humming Bird Feeders and SQUAWK… we enjoy watching them.
Spring brings beeutiful bees!

And the children have enhanced my walks as well with their hidden painted rocks!

Heading back home I look forward to another routine…

Tea Time!
Tea Time is even better when you use a honey pot gifted to you by your sister…
along with cranberry bread that our lovely neighbor baked just for us.
Lots of love in this picture.
A beautiful saguaro skeleton shows me the way home.

Do you have any new routines? Do you think they will last even after this craziness is over? Are they now becoming Simple Pleasures?

Let me know what you are doing new. And stay safe my friends… you mean the world to me.

I also would like to share a link with you. I was asked by Sue from of Travel Tales of Life to share my thoughts on how Covid-19 is effecting us and Arizona. It’s a great Series that she and her husband have put together on their blog. I hope you can click over.

49 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbits #74 Walking to Soothe the Soul

  1. Happy Tuesday Nancy 😎 My routine is pretty much the same except I don’t have to be anywhere at a specific time. I can take my time and enjoy the simple things. I love my walks and my tea time, too! ☕️

    1. I don’t know what we would do without this beautiful nature. It keeps me sane!
      How are your Monarchs? I was worried that the storms bothered them.
      And you will soon be opening up the state… little by little there in Georgia. Hope all goes well. Prayers sent!

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the Arizona Captures! And I know you enjoy walking as I see your captures on your blog. Stay well my friend! It’s always so good to hear from you!

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed. We all need “pick me ups” at this time! Stay warm stay well and know… it’s always good to hear from you!

  2. Good morning Nancy. What stunning photos of life during this pandemic. The blooms are amazing as well as the birds. You are quite the talented photographer my friend. Being outside is a balm for my soul anytime but especially now. Afternoon tea with cranberry bread would be a delight, thank you for the virtual teatime.

    Enjoy your day, it is a gorgeous morning in our Foothills.

    1. Oh Pam … thank you for the lovely compliments. And yes… we too enjoy the outdoors but are enjoying them even more now as well! I enjoy tea but have really starting enjoying it Everyday Afternoon. We call it Tea Time in the Afternoon.

      By the way… Comments are not showing up in my notifications! I need to figure out what is happening. And lots of posts are not showing up in my reader. May need to have a live chat with WordPress.

      Stay safe and enjoy your beautiful Tuesday!

    1. I saw that you went back to work. We here in the U.S. are still in Lockdown but some states are starting to reopen businesses at the end of the week. I hope and pray it goes well. Stay well!

  3. Your pictures are just gorgeous–especially the ones of the cactus flowers. May I join you at tea? I love my morning tea in a mug, but it is so much fun to have a special tea serving using fancy cups. I love that patten (Desert Rose?); I believe it was popular when I was using my Daisy by Poppytrail dishes. Love both designs. During this time, I am expanding my walks with the dogs. I discovered I CAN make it to the top of a nearby hill and that the college campus has a dirt, rock-lined trail that completely encircles it. Both feel more like hiking than making a loop around the park, but are within walking distance. I’m glad we can look for the good things coming out of the pandemic despite its horrible impact on so many lives.

    1. Bravo for making it to the top of that hill! Way to go!
      Yes… tea in a special cup makes it even more wonderful. And yes that is desert rose. I just love it!
      Enjoying the Simple Pleasures during this crisis… makes me realize how I’m so grateful for our blessed life.
      Stay well and keep enjoying your walks.

      1. Btw, did you know that the Spoetzl Brewery here in Shiner/TX makes a “Prickly Pear Beer”? I tried it once, but it’s not too my liking. Too “flowery” in its taste.
        Stay well,

      2. I have had a Prickly Pear Beer from somewhere and I did not care for it. But I do enjoy Prickly Pear Margaritas! I have picked Prickly Pears and have made the juice. ITS NOT EASY! LOL!

      3. I can live well without either of them a I’m not partial to Margaritas and don’t really want to pick prickly pears.

    1. I try hard to have happy Tuesdays. Sometimes it’s a little harder … especially during these crazy times! Thanks for stopping by! Stay well!

    1. Thanks so much Tim! I enjoy Tuesdays… especially when I hear from friends like you. Stay well and love your baby owls!

  4. Hi Nancy, your. photos are lovely (as always) and I adore your virtual hugs, here’s one right back at you. 🤗 I’m not sure that I’m doing anything new, but all my plants have been repotted, my house is spotless (top to bottom) and today I’m making rosella jam. I’m thrilled the lady at the farm delivered some otherwise their crop would have gone to waste. I also have a cactus about to bloom, it’s a red version of that huge pink one and will share some photos when it opens. Have a great day my friend 🤗🤗🤗

    1. Clare! It’s so good to hear from you! So there is cacti where you live in Australia! I can’t wait to see pictures. Bees love cactus blooms so get your camera ready. You take wonderful pictures of bees in flight!
      As for spotless houses… we all do and NO ONE CAN SEE THEM! lol!!
      Stay well… and here’s another hug!

    1. Thank you so much! We love spring in the desert. I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos of my walks.
      Enjoy your week and stop by again.

  5. Happy Tuesday, Nancy! The photos of the blooming cactus and birds are gorgeous! Your desert is so beautiful. I know you must enjoy your walks along such a lovely path. Take care, sweet friend!

    1. Oh Shannon… I’m so glad you stopped by. Glad to know you are well.
      Thank you for enjoying the captures from my walks. This is what is keeping me sane during this crazy time!
      I hope you can one day visit the desert in the spring. It’s really something to see.
      Stay well my friend! Happy week to you!

  6. Love your quail. Your walks in the neighborhood are much warmer and more colorful than ours here right now. I took a walk today at a park, blogged about it tonight, totally different than your walk! But I had sun for a bit of it!

    1. Nature in all forms are just what the doctor ordered.

      And aren’t those Quail fabulous…! We just love them!

      We are going to get through this!

  7. I love how much beauty you find in each day even during this time. What a gorgeous place you live. The cranberry and tea sounds delightful! I could really go for that right now. I also agree that walks are a saving grace right now. They are so calming, and it’s reinvigorating to get that fresh air! Thanks for sharing a slice of your beautiful world with us, Nancy <3

    1. Mackenzie it’s so wonderful that you came for a visit!
      We do enjoy our desert. Especially in the Spring. I hope you can visit it one day.
      Take care of yourself. Stay well.

  8. Nancy, your photos get more gorgeous, are simply amazing, and your good cheer a ray of sunshine. Cactus are just starting to open here in the high country. New routines? Well, I no longer ‘run into town’ for this or that purchase… we are making a detailed organized list that is shopped for once per week. The response to social distancing, masks, gloves, and even belief in there being a problem other than democrats and liberal media remains fairly common here. Hiking in remote out of the way places, and the little townhouse is sparkling as is the garage. All my best to you dear Nancy. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks so much for your love! And thanks so much for you stopping by.
      Yes we shop only once a week or 10 days. No running around for us!

      Stay well and enjoy the Arizona beauty!

  9. You have a beautiful trail to walk on with some pretty amazing birds! Our routine hasn’t changed much here. Since I already homeschool that didn’t change and we’ve been renovating our home forever so everything was already chaos before the pandemic. 😀

    1. I have enjoyed seeing your renovations that you share.
      You are one busy woman!
      I am glad you enjoyed the pictures of the walks. It’s what keeps me sane!
      Stay well my friend!

  10. Your walking trails are amazing Nancy and omg those flowering cactus, swoon…! You know I am a cactus lover, I wish I had a real one…I just might have to paint one of yours! The bird captures are beautiful! Wonderful eye candy today!

    1. Oh the cacti are putting on a show right now. And the saguaros are getting ready to bloom as well. I think 2 more weeks and I’ll be able to share some of them blooming. Sometimes if you find the perfect one… it will wear a crown of flowers.
      It is always so good to hear from you my dear friend. And I would love to see a painting of our cactus in bloom!
      Stay well my friend.

  11. I’m happy to have discovered your blog. I love the wonderful photos, especially the cactus blossom…they are lovely,

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. We are loving our cactus blossoms right now… spring has sprung in the desert!
      I sure hope you can return. I enjoy blogging and I do post about once a week. Take care and be well!

  12. Great post….love it when the cacti blooms!! I also love the idea of the hidden rocks by kids….how cool is that! Stay safe and be well…great post…great pics!!

    1. Thank you always for your kind words! Yes… we love our cacti blooms! And those rocks are fabulous. The kids have become quite creative not only in painting them but also hiding them!
      Take care my friend. You stay well!

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