Tuesday Tidbits #16

I have been diligent in posting for Tuesday Tidbits weekly! This is my 16th week!

This week I would love to continue with a few shots of the goats we saw in Texas. Sweet Man’s sister and I went for a walk and we visited neighbors who have goats on their farm. We chatted with the owner of the goats and he told us to go down to the barn as baby goats were just born that morning. They were only 4 hours old!

Momma with her two babies!

Such an adorable little one!

Then another small goat, probably about a month old, came to see me.

If ever I had a chunk of land… I would want two goats and a few chickens. Did you know that when you purchase goats you have to take two. Because they are social animals. If you only have one goat… they will go mad. They need to socialize!

The following video is quite funny. The adult goats heard us and came up out of the pasture to see us! Watch the one on the right. 😃

Thanks so much for enjoying my 16th Tuesday Tidbits! Have a beautiful rest to your week!

Until Next Time ~Nancy