Omaha Beach Memorial

I felt it appropriate this Memorial Day Weekend to share just a few pictures from

Omaha Beach

from our visit to Normandy, France.

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Les Braves Omaha Beach Memorial

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The sculptor Anilore Banon had his own words for this Memorial…

“I created this sculpture to honor the courage of these men:
Sons, husbands and fathers, who endangered and often sacrificed their lives in the hope of freeing the French people.”

To read more about this Monument please click here.

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On June 6th, 1944 American Soldiers sacrificed their lives to liberate France and this beach turned into Bloody Omaha.

A heartfelt thank you to all soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.


38 thoughts on “Omaha Beach Memorial

    1. It took ours away as well. I was very emotional when capturing photos from here. I had an uncle survive D-Day…….
      Thank you for stopping by… <3
      We will never forget the sacrifice.

  1. Tha ks for sharing these photos. I still remember the day and the thankful feeling of taking the offense to the Nazis, yet the dismay of the lost of allies life. I think about that day as we heard it on the radio and the weekend news at the theater. 😱😊😢

    1. I was not born yet… But my uncles were in WWII. And they both survived. They did not like talking about the war though.

      1. Thank you so much for commenting… And letting me know your experiences with WWII. Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you for visiting… This Memorial is beautiful and emotional. Everyone needs to see it and remember those who have fallen. 🇺🇸

    1. …a bit of an emotional one…
      I am so glad I got to experience this place! Thank you for sharing this moment with me.

Thank You So Much... for sharing your kind words. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your thoughts.