Tuesday Tidbits #195 October Has Come

I’m Back!

At least I hope I am. Our WiFi… actually it’s our carrier… has not been cooperating. We live in a college town and I feel since the students returned and since our local schools started back to school… it has started becoming an issue. Who knows?

OCTOBER is Here!

Edinboro Lake is my favorite!

Nature is all aglow in October.

The lake was a sheet of glass the other morning! What a beautiful reflection!


Speaking of reflection… this last week we saw a horrific hurricane hit Florida. Hurricane Ian gave my sister and brother in law a scare. Thank goodness they were not at their place as they are snowbirds. It was days before they knew anything. What matters most is that they are okay and their Florida place has some damage but it’s all fixable. Their landscaping is all gone but it can be replanted. It was a stressful week for many Floridians. Many have lost Everything and have lost Friends and Family. I can not even imagine. Prayers are needed for many in Florida. And today as you sit in your home… take time to reflect on what surrounds you. Enjoy your collections, take in the scent of the fall candle burning, listen to the dogs barking and the lawn mowers next door, and most of all enjoy your home. It’s the simple pleasures, folks. Let’s be grateful.

Do you see the kayak?


We have to share our little Get Away to New York. We went to Watkins Glen and Corning New York for a few days. It was about a three hour drive for us with fall colors along the way.

Not quite peak but still so beautiful!
Beauty around every bend.
Even a stop at Cuba Cheese Factory in Cuba, New York.

Our next stop was Watkins Glen State Park which is south of Seneca Lake and is in the area of the Finger Lakes Region. The hike up is full of steps but well worth it. There are falls and water flows in your view the whole time.

Beauty in Nature.
We walked under these falls to go higher up.

Corning Glass Museum

After seeing the falls we headed to the Glass Museum. We enjoyed it very much and went back on a second day. We even saw two glass blowing demonstrations.

It’s always nice to see a Chihuly.
One of the Glass Blowing Demonstrations


We had family run in the Corning New York Wineglass Marathon. It was a thrill to watch them finish and they finished very well!


Summer’s End

When the boat comes out… summer is officially over. We had a cold morning for pulling out the boat. 38 degrees! The sun rising helped warm things up!

A cold morning.

More Autumn Bliss

Another Fall morning we stood in awe… as the lake was a sheet of glass.
Lakeside Reflection… it was a delight to see!
Fall Fun!

Thank You!

Thank you so much for reading this far. I packed two incredible weeks into this post! As I always try to convey… we sure do appreciate all of you. Thank you for joining us for another Tuesday Tidbits.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy what October brings to you this upcoming week.

Whatever you have planned… make every day count.

Happy Fall and Stay Cozy!

40 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbits #195 October Has Come

    1. The glass blowing was so interesting watch. Many of the glasswares that they make are given away for charity purposes.
      We are really enjoying the Fall Beauty and fabulous temperatures!
      Thank you for always stopping by. Happy Tuesday!

  1. Good morning and Happy Tuesday, Nancy. I am so glad you are back. Edinboro Lake is beautiful in autumn. The reflection photos are amazing and the water is like glass. I do spot the kayak. I always enjoy traveling with you on all your adventures. The state park looks fabulous. Like you, I always enjoy seeing a Chihuly…stunning. I could jump into those pile of leaves, the colors are awesome. Enjoy these October days, my friend 🍂🍁

    1. Thank you for your kind words.
      The fall beauty has been spectacular and the temperatures are perfect!
      Happy Tuesday dear friend!

  2. Happy autumn for sure, Nance. We loved our visit to the Corning Museum of Glass, so glad to see that you guys appreciated it so much, too! Your two weeks of photos were surely beautiful this morning.

    1. Thank you so much Mr. Mark! I am glad you enjoyed.
      I’m so glad you have been to the Glass Museum. We enjoyed it very much.
      Happy Tuesday!

  3. I officially have some new places to visit after this post! Wow! I have heard great things about the Finger Lakes area too – now I want to visit even more!

  4. Loved this ‘double’ post! Beautiful photos! The photo with the lake and the kayak should be turned into a jigsaw puzzle! Watkins Glen State Park has been on my bucket list for awhile…now I REALLY can’t wait to go. It looks like a fantastic place. Thanks for sharing your adventures and have a great day!

  5. Ever so wonderful autumn pictures: thanks for sharing. When we passed through the Fingers Lake region on our way from Vermont to Pennsylvania this summer, unfortunately we had no time to stop an do sightseeing. Maybe some other time. But we did enjoy what we sw while driving.

  6. What beautiful photos of the Autumn colors reflected in the lake Nancy! You did some fun things on your trip, the Corning Glass Museum looks amazing~ Such a gorgeous time of year for most except Florida, even though I’ve been through many hurricanes, I can’t even process all the total destruction, so horrific and incredible tales from the survivors… I’m sick to my stomach every time I think about it and continue to send prayers. You’re right, we must appreciate every sight we see and breath we take. Thank you for sharing your Fall beauty!

    1. It was fast… but since the temperatures are glorious and the sun shines on the colorful trees… I’m all in. 😃
      Thank you for enjoying… Happy Tuesday!

  7. I’m so glad your connectivity was restored. That can be so frustrating. Thank you for sharing all you have been up to. I heard this week that getting out in nature is the best antidote for our anxiety ridden society. I’m so glad you are able to do that on a regular basis. I would love to see those falls, and the lake like glass was amazing. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so very much! And yes… getting outside and being surrounded by God’s beauty is quite calming. Thank you for the visit my friend!

  8. It seems like every time we go through upstate New York en route to Massachusetts, we say, “Next time we should stop at the Corning Museum” and we never do. Seeing your photos reminds me we must make it a priority! It looks like a beautiful season for a road trip and you maxed it out! Lots of lovely. I’m so grateful that the damage to your sister’s FL home is repairable. Rick’s dad lucked out, too, but so many didn’t. And three cheers on the internet!

    Savor that color! (I just posted up-north Michigan color. Oh, it’s a beauty!)

    1. Hi Jeannie! Oh you must stop at the Corning Museum. And give yourself some time… there is a section called Innovations which shows so many ways that glass has been important to us throughout history. I enjoyed that section along with all the beautiful glass art and historical glass pieces. I am going to pop over to your blog and see your Fall Beauty… God is an amazing artist! Thanks so much for your kind words.

  9. Nancy, you always visit the most beautiful and interesting places. Thanks for always sharing all of your wonderful trips and beauty that surrounds you. It always brightens my day! I agree with your advice of appreciating our homes and the things that surround us. I know home always provides a great comfort to me. Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week, sweet friend!

  10. 🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁Nancy, you always capture the beauty seen through your eyes so well. Hugs to you for conveying all the joy you experience back to each one of us!! 🍁🍂🍁

    1. Thank you so much Dawn for all your lovely words. Hugs right back to you!
      Happy Fall! Haven’t the trees been spectacular?

  11. Such gorgeous photos, Nancy! I enjoyed seeing the driving adventure shots and am smitten with the treasures you uncovered! Your fall colours were absolutely gorgeous! Unfortunately for us, most of our foliage was shredded or traumatized so our colours have been scarce and muted. Not so further inland – where they’ve enjoyed some beautiful landscape scenes. My heart goes out to everyone affected by Ian – such devastation. Wishing them all brighter days ahead.

    1. Thank you dear friend. Hope you are all recovering from that hurricane that hit you up in Canada. I’m sorry the leaves were shredded off. Hopefully you got away from clean up to see some colors.
      Sending you lots of hugs!

  12. You guys have had a nice summer, and an adventurous autumn. I love the colors, and your hike a Watkins Glen Park looked fun. Nature provides us the simplest pleasures, even with all the steps.

    I love that you supported your family at the marathon. As a marathon runner for years, the support is everything on those later miles. Always loving life…keep on…

    1. Thank you! It was a beautiful area to go to support them at their marathon. And how wonderful that you are a marathon runner… I could never do it.
      Thanks so much for the visit!

Thank You So Much... for sharing your kind words. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your thoughts.