Do You Have The “Time?”

I sure hope you have the “time” to read all about our fabulous Saguaros.

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Arizonians are proud of their beloved saguaros!

(pronounced “sah-wah-roh”)

Do you know how much “time” it takes a saguaro to grow tall, let alone grow an arm?

According to the National Park Service it can take a saguaro 10 years to grow one inch.

Saguaros can reach 40 feet in height!

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So… a very tall saguaro can be hundreds of years old! (That’s a lot of “TIME” to grow that tall and old!)

They grow their first arm at about the age of 95-100 years old. They stop growing at around 200 years old with many arms or none at all. A saguaro without any arms is called a spear. Why no arms?? No one really knows the answer!

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Around 60 years of age a saguaro can produce it’s first flower.

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Saguaros only grow in the Sonoran desert. IMG_8242 - Copy

We here in the Valley of the Sun love our saguaros!

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It is illegal to harm a Saguaro according to Arizona State Laws.


Some saguaros can become crested. This is due to Fasciation.

Or a rare condition of abnormal growth.

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A crested saguaro.

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 On most older saguaros their needles can grow about one inch in length.


Many can grow in silly ways…

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Doesn’t he look like he is trying to climb up the rock. I found him out by Sheep Bridge by the Verde River.

I think he looks like he is about to fly like a butterfly!
We love our Saguaros but don’t get to close!

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I am glad you took the “time” to read about our Saguaros.

They take a lot of “time” to grow.

Click here to see more of the weekly photo challenge  on “TIME.”

Until Next Time  ~Nancy

76 thoughts on “Do You Have The “Time?”

    1. Thank You… I just am giggling about this post. It was fun… and they do take a long “time” to grow.
      Stay warm my friend! Enjoy your soup!

  1. Cool shots here, Nancy. That climbing one wins for wildest one I’ve ever seen although I did see a few that had little arm buds which made them look like they were boobies (snicker) And thank you for explaining the crested ones.

    1. Oh Some of these saguaros have been the center of many conversations! In good ways and bad! HA HA HA
      I learned about crested ones right along with you! 😉

      1. Know that we are thinking of you and are helping you in a small minuscule way!!! Ha ha ha ha ha !! I get it! Moving in and from afar… Is not easy! Hugs to you!

  2. Saguaro huggers can find themselves in a prickly state. Wonderful photos of the cacti. They all have their own personalities.

  3. While traveling Hwy 60, I became giddy once I started seeing the saguaros. They are such a unique and fascinating plant. And of course, I love it when they are flowering. Hmm, that last photo looks familiar 😉

    1. I knew you would recognize it! I have to be honest with you. Thank you for taking that of me with my phone… We need to go there again!

      1. I’m ready. I’m now located just down the road from you. I can get free passes at the library so let me know 🙂

      2. Yep, got the library card in November and even went to the downtown library for fun. We’re getting caught up on some projects (providing this wind settle down) and then I’ll be ready to hit some trails 🙂

    1. I know… everyone tells me that. I guess I will have to make it a point to try to share more photos of me.
      As for the saguaro flowers… they are the last to bloom in the spring. They usually bloom in a circle at the top…looking like a crown.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. They do take a loong time to grow. We visited the Desert Garden last summer on the way to Grand Canyon. 🙂 So Beautiful! 🙂

    1. Oh my… where about in O-H-I-O?
      I am from Pennsylvania but raised my children in Ohio. I am a Buckeye Fan!
      I now live about 1 hour north of Phoenix. THANK YOU for visiting and taking the time to comment! How nice of you! 🙂

      1. I lived in Cleveland for a couple of years right out of high school…loved it. Back then the steel mills were working, now we have great medical facilities.

      2. I know… My son and his girlfriend are in healthcare and work at the Cleveland Clinic.
        We have just been chatting up a storm! Enjoy your day!

      3. indeed! my oldest is an RN soon to retire from MetroHealth… been there since right out of nursing school. I love to chat online…especially with these one-liners sort of here in the queue… 🙂

  5. A Saguaro climbs the rock! That image is truly brilliant – how nature adapts to its surrounding 🙂 Great post, Nancy. I had no idea it takes that long to produce the Saguaro flower..Arizona is certainly a state I would love to visit in the future! 🙂

    1. I know how much you loved crested saguaros. And you do find them quite often!
      Thank You for stopping by!
      I hope you are enjoying the warm up! I am!

      1. I must say I’m not a fan of the warm up. Crazy, I know, but we usually don’t get out to hike til late morning and this heat will be too much. I guess we need to hike with some elevation. I’ll survive:) Mid 60’s with sun are my friend:)

      2. Oh I get it! When hiking you want the cooler temps! The snakes stay in their places then.
        But I also enjoy a cocktail on the back patio instead of being inside.

  6. We stayed in Tucson a few years ago and visited Saguaro National park. They are just lovely and to see flowers on them is really a treat. I hope you did not get stuck while hugging that one. Cheers!

    1. 🙂 🙂 🙂
      No I did not…
      However, the small Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus has gotten me. Don’t let that name fool you. They are the most hated cactus in the desert. I swear, all you have to do is walk near it!

      1. As you can tell by my comments I do manage to follow my favourites but you’re right – I’m only posting about once or twice a month. All is good though and thanks for asking😊.

  7. When we lived in Nevada, we had a desert landscape. We bought a beautiful Saguaro from a certified dealer – complete with all the proper papers and tags. What I found amazing was that they took all sorts of readings BEFORE moving the cactus – so many degrees this way, facing that way and so on. This was necessary because the Saguaro that is to be transplanted MUST be replanted facing EXACTLY the same way for the sun, otherwise it will go into shock and die. When the Saguaro arrived, all sorts of measurements and calculations were made before our beautiful plant could be placed in the ground. The following year, she wore a breathtaking crown of flowers, so so must have been happy in her new surroundings. There is so much beauty in the desert. I remember the first time I visited the Sonora desert, standing in the shadow of these beautiful Saguaro and contemplating all they stood witness to in their lifetime – it boggles the mind.

    1. You said it perfectly! It does boggle the mind!
      I just heard exactly what you just said about it being transplanted exactly the way they were growing. So neat that you had one crown with flowers in your yard!
      Thank you for visiting!

    1. Gotta love our saguaros! Ingrid took that picture of me with my phone. We had a fun day! Thank you for coming over and visiting sweet Sue!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments.
      And yes our saguaros can start conversations on how funny some of their poses can be.

  8. This is just such an interesting essay on the beautiful Saguaro, Nancy. You certainly did them proud. I am seeing a ‘crested’ one for the first time with your gorgeous photo. As always, So glad I took the time to stop in for a visit.

  9. I always know when we’re in Arizona because almost immediately crossing the border from California I see these gorgeous cactus. They’re fascinating! Thanks for sharing this marvelous pictures and facts.

    1. You bet my friend… But we really do love out Saguaros!
      Man it would be cool if we could meet one day… I forget you are in California!

      1. It would be fun! I am headed to Arizona, Phoenix to be exact, May 19th to see my granddaughter’s graduation just in case you are in the neighborhood! 😊

  10. I love the one climbing the rock!! They crack me up in the middle of the night when you see them off in the desert…looks like people out of the corner of your eye!! Coming in from California for many many years, it always amazed me that the California desert doesn’t have any even on the California side of the Colorado River, but just across on the Arizona side, they grow…great post!!

  11. Thank you for your wonderful photo essay and all the fascinating information about Saguaros. I love them so much and always enjoy seeing them when we go to Arizona. I’ve never seen them bloom, so I especially enjoyed seeing that photo. I also love your very fun last photo! :)))

    1. I am so glad you got to see the flowering saguaros! And that one climbing is one of my favorite photos! Oh and that saguaro hugger… She is quite the silly one! Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment!

  12. Haven’t seen you for a little while. Just want to stop by and say hello to you, Nancy. Hope you are having a happy Valentine’s Day! 🙂

  13. How lucky you are to live in such a wonderful landscape – Great photos – Looking forward to following your work – thank you for sharing it 🙂

  14. Wow…love the facts! Looks like they better with age! I hope to grow as gracefully! Teehee. Their flowers are really beautiful. Love learning. Glad you shared this! Have a great day!

Thank You So Much... for sharing your kind words. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your thoughts.