Happy Easter!

As I start the morning out with a latte before I begin to cook our Easter meal. It is at this time that I give thanks for all that we have. My heart is filled with thankfulness and gratitude. The root of all joy is gratefulness!

Thankful, grateful and blessed…

Prepared Paska bread …a tradition passed down from my Momma… and from her Momma..

He has risen…

Enjoy your day and May your day be filled with beautiful blessings…

26 thoughts on “Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you so much! We will be enjoying Beef Tenderloin, scalloped Potatoes, Brussels sprouts, salads galore, deviled eggs, and coconut pie!

      Thank you for stopping in! Happy Easter Diane!

Thank You So Much... for sharing your kind words. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your thoughts.